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Behrens, M. I., M. Bennett, R. Castillo, D. Ponce, N. Rogers, & R. Vergara (2022). “Cancer History is Associated with Slower Speed of Cognitive Decline in Patients with Amnestic Cognitive Impairment”. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. Forthcoming.
Bennett, M. (2021). “All Things Equal? Heterogeneity in Policy Effectiveness against COVID-19 Spread in Chile”. World Development. Volume 137. 105208.
Bennett, M. & Bergman, P. (2021). “Better Together? Social Networks in Truancy and the Targeting of Treatment”. Journal of Labor Economics. Volume 39 (1).
Bennett, M., J. Vielma, & J. Zubizarreta (2020). “Building Representative Matched Samples with Multi-valued Treatments in Large Observational Studies”. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. Vol 29 (4).
Hilliger, I., C. Gelmi, L. Cifuentes, M. Bennett, & J. de la Llera (2018). “Design and Implementation of an Alternative Admission Program to Engineering: Talent and Inclusion”. Studies of Higher Education (CSHE). 43(8) p.1454-1467.
Claro, F., R. Paredes, F. Wilson y M. Bennett (2013). “Incentivos a Estudiar Pedagogía: El Caso de la Beca Vocación de Profesor” (“Incentives for studying teaching: The case of the vocational scholarship”), Estudios Publicos N°131, Centro de Estudios Públicos.
M. Bennett (2024). “QB or not QB: Measuring Discrimination in Football Labor Markets”. Working Paper.
M. Bennett (2024). “Changes in School Attendance Zones over Time: The Effect of Segregation on Zoned-in and Zoned-out Areas”. On-going project.
M. Bennett, W. Fuchs, & J. Millan (2024). “Determinants of Success in the Context of Microcredits”. On-going observational study and field experiment.
M. Bennett (2024). “Differences-in-Differences using a Mixed-Integer Programming Matching Approach”. Working Paper.
Bennett, M., C. Neilson, & N. Rojas (2024). “Beyond Exclusion: The Role of the Causal Effect of Testing on Attendance on the Day of the Test”. Working Paper.
Allende, C. & M. Bennett (2023). “Biased Beliefs and the Dynamic Role of Information in College Choice”. (Abstract)
Bennett, M. (2022). “How Far is Too Far? Estimation of an Interval for Generalization of a Regression Discontinuity Design Away from the Cutoff”. Job Market Paper, Columbia University.
Bennett, M. (2014). “Socioeconomic Diversity within Schools: The Impact of a Preferential Voucher Scheme in Chile”, Master Dissertation, London School of Economics.
Naslund-Hadley, E., E. Vezza, P. Giovagnoli, M. Bennett (2012). “Rethinking Sequencing of Pregnancy, School Dropout and Marriage: An Analysis of DHS Data on Early Childbearing and Educational Trajectories in Six Latin American Countries”, Report, Inter-American Development Bank.
Bennett, M. & R. Paredes (2012). “Cognitive Abilities and Preschool Education in Chile”, Working Paper, Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering PUC.